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Design for Giving Back

Writer: andriacodnerandriacodner

On my 25th birthday, I had the realization that I had never volunteered for an organization. This was an embarrassing truth and I wanted to change it. My journey to do more for others began by researching. In looking up organizations to donate my time to, one specifically caught my eye, For Goodness Cakes. For Goodness Cakes organizes volunteers to baking opportunities for foster youth and young adults. The goal is to help every person feel celebrated on their birthdays, graduation, or other reasons to celebrate. Luckily, there were two chapters within driving distance from me!

For Goodness Cakes works with organizations that help youth or young adults. Working witht he organization, the celebratee decides the cake flavor, frosting, and theme. My first cake in this endeavor was a chocoholic dream and black cat themed. This was also my first ever cake! I took the easy way out on the batter and used a box mix and then put most of my focus and energy into the decor. I wanted the cake to become part of the cat’s face. The frosting was textured to be like fur, and then, chocolate ears, whiskers, and eyes were added. 

So far, I have baked four cakes/cupcakes for For Goodness Cakes. Each opportunity has been very rewarding. Even though the baker never has the opportunity to meet the celebratees, there is satisfaction knowing that a child will feel more celebrated on their special day.



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