Last summer, I had the opportunity to design and produce a research exhibit. This temporary exhibit was displayed at the University of Minnesota’s Architecture and Landscape Architecture Library during this past fall semester. The goal of this exhibit was to display the deliverables of the Kusske Design Initiative’s Burst workshop with the Eames Institute of Infinite Curiosity.

During the Burst workshop, participants were given the choice to examine three different products: a nike shoe, an ikea chair, and an exhibit. Each of these items had been thoroughly researched and broken down into materials and parts. These parts and research were presented to the participants for them to ideate more sustainable production processes.
To encourage learning from the research displayed, interaction prompts were designed into the exhibit. To mimic the Burst workshop, viewers were asked to write their thoughts on what they would change about the production process. It was also encouraged to build on the ideas of others in the spirit of collaboration.

Also included in the exhibit were the whole and parts of the products. The chair materials were displayed by arranging and describing the materials on a poster. The shoe parts were hung in an exploded view perspective on strings.
I am very thankful for this experience. I learned more about designing for interaction and understanding the flow of experience for exhibits. I enjoyed and deeply appreciate being able to work with the KDI and library employees in the production of this exhibit.
